Information for Faculty About Academic Accommodations


I. General information about policies and procedures for students with disabilities:

Williams College recognizes and supports the standards set forth in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and its amendments, and similar state laws, which are designed to eliminate discrimination against otherwise qualified individuals with disabilities. Under these laws, the College is required to provide reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to our offerings for students with documented disabilities, as long as the accommodations do not fundamentally alter the integrity or essential requirements of a course or program of study.

Disabilities are physical or mental impairments which lead to a substantial limitation in one or more of a person’s major life activities. Disabilities can fall into four general categories and are often “invisible”:

  • Cognitive: such as ADHD, learning disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Mental Health: such as depression, anxiety, bi-polar disorder, PTSD
  • Medical: such as cancer, migraines, allergies, digestive disorders, chronic illness
  • Physical: such as vision and/or hearing loss, cerebral palsy, mobility impairments

Williams endeavors to provide equal access to campus programs and activities for all members of the college community, including students with disabilities who require accommodations to live and learn on campus. Although Williams operates no specially-structured academic programs for individuals with disabilities, the College is committed to providing support services and accommodations to any student who needs them.

The Office of Accessible Education is the primary point of contact on campus for determining and arranging accommodations for students with disabilities. OAE staff work individually with students and faculty to eliminate barriers and assist the College in meeting its obligations under federal and state disability laws. OAE also plays an active role in shaping campus discourse around accessibility and in furthering the College’s commitment to an inclusive and equitable educational experience for all.

Students with disabilities that affect their participation in their courses or program of study are encouraged to work with OAE to request reasonable accommodations. The disclosure of a disability and a request for accommodations is an individual choice and one that the College can encourage but not require. Therefore, students wishing to apply for accommodations for documented disabilities, whether ongoing or temporary, must take the lead in completing the applicable request form in Accommodate, the College’s accommodations management system, and submitting documentation from a licensed healthcare professional with direct knowledge of their diagnosis and/or treatment. Documentation identifies the disability, describes the challenges faced due to this condition, and, when possible, recommends appropriate accommodations. This information is kept confidential to the extent required by law.

OAE staff meet with the student to discuss their request, review the documentation, follow up with the student’s healthcare provider, and consult other staff and faculty on campus as necessary in order to determine how to meet the College’s legal obligation appropriately. The Office of Accessible Education, which reports to the Office of the Dean of the College, has oversight of the provision of all student disability accommodations, both temporary and ongoing, including academic, housing, dining, parking, and physical access. Student accommodations that fall under the ADA and Section 504 are different from supportive measures provided to students for non-disability-related challenges, including supports coordinated by the class deans, Title IX, the chaplains, OIDEI, and/or athletics.

Academic accommodations are adjustments or auxiliary aids that provide equal opportunity for students with disabilities to learn course material and demonstrate their learning. While accommodations can indirectly facilitate student success by ensuring full access to and inclusion in courses and programs, they are not designed to guarantee a specific outcome or level of achievement. In addition, reasonable accommodations are not intended to modify the objectives that all students must meet for successful completion of a program, course, assignment, and/or activity, nor excuse a student from adhering to standard College policies, procedures, and conduct standards. To be considered “reasonable,” academic accommodations should not fundamentally alter a course or program, impose an undue financial or administrative burden on the institution, or pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others.

All academic accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis as part of an interactive and collaborative process. Students are expected to work cooperatively with OAE staff to determine reasonable and appropriate accommodations. This process requires that students self-advocate and initiate contact with the Office of Accessible Education, as well as continue to notify the OAE and their faculty each semester they intend to utilize their academic accommodations. The OAE serves as a resource for students, faculty, and staff to ensure access to approved accommodations and to assess the efficacy of the accommodations provided. Accommodations cannot be implemented retroactively so students are encouraged to reach out to OAE and their faculty early each semester to discuss their specific needs and how to utilize their approved accommodations.

II. Frequently Asked Questions for Faculty:

Q:          What accommodations are allowed in the postsecondary setting/at Williams College?

A:          According to federal law, accommodations in the post-secondary setting commonly refer to: a) modifications to the manner of instruction in order to provide equal access to educational materials and b) modifications to the manner of testing or measuring competence in a particular course.

Depending on the nature of the disability and its impact on major life activities, a student may need instructional materials provided in an alternative format (e.g. large print handouts, readings in electronic or audio format, Braille texts, recordings of class lectures, etc.) and/or an auxiliary aid or service (e.g. keyboard for taking notes, assistive listening device, text-to-speech software, sign language interpreters, real-time captioning, a reader or scribe, etc.). The College provides appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to ensure effective communication with students with disabilities and equal access to course materials.

Students may also need an accommodation to allow them to demonstrate their learning in a manner comparable to their non-disabled peers. The most common accommodation granted in postsecondary institutions is “extended time for quizzes and exams” since many types of disabilities affect the ability to retrieve and express information within a limited period of time. The goal of an accommodation is not to change the standards of academic performance expected of all students, but to mitigate disability-related barriers so that a student can be assessed on their academic competency rather than the effects of their disability.

Each academic accommodation is evaluated and granted individually through an interactive process with the Office of Accessible Education; accommodations are not granted as a package and there is no standard set of accommodations assigned for a particular diagnosis. Instead, accommodations are based on the specific functional limitations described by the student and detailed in the documentation submitted by the student’s healthcare provider. Documentation and diagnostic information are kept confidential within the OAE and not included in any accommodation letters shared with faculty. Students are encouraged to discuss their accommodation letters with their faculty but are advised they do not need to share confidential health information in these conversations.

Q. How will I know which of my students are eligible for accommodations, and which accommodations to grant them?

Students who with approved accommodations must submit requests for their accommodation letters to be sent to their faculty each semester. Students submit these requests and faculty receive accommodation letters through Accommodate, the College’s accommodation management system. Faculty will receive an email notification when they receive an accommodation letter and are asked to sign in to Accommodate to read the letter and acknowledge its receipt. The receipt of the letter indicates that the appropriate protocols under the law have been met for determining a student’s eligibility for accommodations under the ADA.

Students have the ability in Accommodate to decide which of their approved accommodations they wish to include on the letter to each faculty. Students are encouraged to attend the first week of classes, gather their syllabi, and then make intentional choices about which accommodations will be necessary for which course. However, there may be instances when faculty receive a letter which includes accommodations that are not relevant to the format or assignments of their particular course (for example, the student includes their accommodation for extended time on quizzes and tests when a course only has papers).

Q. What should I do if I’m concerned that an accommodation described in the letter is not appropriate for my class?

Faculty should consult with Accessible Education as soon as possible if there is any question or concern about an accommodation or whether it should be provided.  If a faculty member has a concern that a specific academic accommodation may fundamentally alter the academic integrity or nature of the course, the instructor should contact Academic Resources as soon as possible so that the concern may be addressed.

The Director of Academic Resources is always willing to brainstorm with faculty possible ways for the College to meet its obligations under ADA.

Q. My exam is tonight and three students just gave me their letters documenting accommodations!  What should I do?

Academic accommodations are ideally requested by the student in a timely manner which will allow the Director to review documentation, determine eligibility, and establish the accommodations.  Since it is the student’s responsibility to request academic accommodations each semester that s/he feels it is necessary occasionally there are some students who do not make the semester request early in the semester.   Some students (especially first year students or students with new conditions or injuries) do not become aware of their need for accommodations until after the start of the term.

On any occasion that a faculty member has not been given reasonable notification (within ten business days of an exam) for example of extended time on quizzes or exams and/or the use of a separate room for quizzes and exam it is within the faculty member’s discretion to not grant said accommodation for an immediately upcoming exam, but the faculty member is expected to grant the accommodation on any subsequent exams.


More Detailed Information on Implementing Particular Academic Accommodations

  • Extended time for exams, quizzes, and in-class written assignments is the most commonly recommended academic accommodation because of its relevance to a range of disabilities.  Extended time does not mean “unlimited time” or “untimed test.” Academic Resources allows extended time in increments of time and one-half or double time.  Increments are based on functional limitations described in the documentation and/or specific recommendation by the qualified diagnostician.  Most students who are allowed extra time receive time and one-half.  Extra time may be allotted for in class assignments, essays, or quizzes, but does not include 24 hour take home exams. Twenty four hour take home exams comply with Universal Design meaning extended time is built in and afforded every student taking the exam..  Extra time on quizzes and exams affords a corrective for specific disabilities and thus permits a more accurate measure of acquired knowledge. Multiple students who are eligible for extended time in a given course at the professor’s discretion may be tested in the same exam space unless a student specifically is entitled to a separate exam space.  Extended time can be accommodated in several ways. If both the professor and the student and the room are available the student may come early and continue through the exam period with others in the class. The student can come at the regular time beginning the exam during the scheduled time with others in the class and staying longer or a third time is scheduled that is convenient for both the instructor and the student or the instructor decides to allow the student to take the exam under the Honor Code without a proctor or the instructor can make arrangements for someone to proctor the student in their absence during the exam. 

Academic Resources cannot proctor exams, as we do not have staff to do so

  • Separate Room for quizzes and exams affords a distraction-reduced/minimized testing location as an effective accommodation for students with certain neurological, psychological, or attention deficit disorders.  It is necessary in identified situations to minimize distractions to the student or to other exam takers and/or to afford the approved student opportunities to stretch, take breaks, talk out loud, move around, etc.  A distraction-reduced location should be free of ringing telephones, conversations, rustling of chairs, coughing, excessive movement, and traffic.  Increasingly locations have become a challenge.  Often the professor cannot nor is s/he expected to be present to answer any questions.  Students in many cases are permitted at the professor’s discretion to take the exams under the College’s Honor Code.  Academic Resources has made prior arrangements with the Library for students to access the locked study rooms when available as exam spaces by requesting access at the Circulation Desks.   Most times faculty members have been able to locate spaces themselves where possible near the testing room. The Registrar’s Office is willing to offer any assistance possible to locate and identify available rooms.  In the case of 24 hour, self-scheduled exams the Registrar’s Office is notified in writing by the office of Academic Resources of each student who has been approved for extended time, separate room, use of assistive technology or other accommodations.  The Director informs each student that if they elect to use the academic accommodation of Separate room for quizzes and exams it may mean that the professor is not present to answer any questions or clarify any instructions during the examination. 

Academic Resources cannot proctor exams, as we do not have staff to do so.

  • Alternative Testing affords a student who permanently or temporarily has very restricted or no use of their dominant hand/wrist/arm/shoulder that impedes writing/drawing and/or typing.  In most instances voice to text software can be provided by the Academic Resources office allowing the student the ability to speak into a computer that will type what they say.  This technology is limited when it comes to drawing graphs and/or using chemical and other notations.  In some situations faculty have determined that an oral exam might substitute to assessing the student’s mastery of the course material.
  • Keyboard-Class/Exam is an effective accommodation for some students with certain neurological, physical, psychological and/or attention deficit disorders.  An exception needs to be granted if there is a course policy restricting or banning lap top use.  Students if eligible for this accommodations are advised by the Director that the use of a laptop is restricted to note taking and/or responding to exam questions. That use beyond this for social media or inappropriate searches can result in loss of use of this as an academic accommodation and in some cases possible violation of the Academic Honor Code.
  • Enlarge Print Text required for some students with visual disabilities. The Academic Resources office can upon request from any eligible student provide assistance with text books, course packets, and any large amount of written material required and/or recommended for the course. Generally the Professor and/or department will enlarge print for printed quizzes and exams.
  • Note Taker in Class required for some students with neurological, physical, psychological, and/or attention deficit disorders.  When assessed by the appropriate diagnostic professionals as a necessary accommodation and requested by the student for a specific course or courses the office of Academic Resources makes arrangements to secure the volunteer services of another student enrolled in the same course at the same time to copy their legible notes for the course on a regular basis. The student volunteer does not know the confidential identity of the student receive notes, unless the recipient elects to identify themselves to the note taker.  Notes are uploaded to Accommodate by the Note Taker as the means of distribution to the accommodated student. In some situations, notes may be provided to several eligible students in the same course. It is the responsibility of the recipient to alert the Academic Resources staff about any Concerns about the quality of the notes or missing notes.  Once such notification is received, Office staff will work to resolve the matter as soon as possible and in some cases will attempt to secure a new note taker. Although it is neither expected nor necessary, if a faculty member wishes to be involved in the process by recommending a note taker and/or assessing the quality of the notes that are being received, the office appreciates any such assistance.  Again, it is imperative under the law that the identity of the individual receiving notes be kept in confidence and not shared with other students in the course including the note taker.

Lecture Microphone is required for some students with specific hearing disabilities.  The course professor is asked to wear a microphone which is provided by the student with assistance from the Academic Resources office for the professor to wear throughout the time period that the student is present in the class.  The microphone amplifies speech that goes directly to a hearing device worn by the student.  In some instances it may be helpful if any questions or comments that come from other members in the course are repeated by the professor so that the student with the hearing disability is able to more fully participate in the class. The student would provide the microphone at the beginning of class and collect it at the end of the class to use in the next class.

  • Reader for Exam some students with permanent or temporary visual, neurological and/or other physical disabilities may require someone to read the exam aloud to them as they respond in writing.
  • Reduced Course load is the most infrequently granted academic accommodations and held to the strictest institutional review process, because it requires a waiver of the college rule that student must pass four courses each semester to remain in good academic standing. These requests must be approved by the Disability Accommodation Advisory Group and then voted by the Committee on Academic Standing. The students may have a physical, psychological, neurological and/or learning disability.
  • Scribe for Class or Exam – occasionally as a result of a permanent condition and/or a temporary injury student is unable to use their dominate hand to write or type.  Upon request after the vetting process Academic Resources can make adaptive software available to eligible students affording them voice to text recognition.  This may mean if a student is required to take an exam they will require a separate room so as not to distract/disturb while they are talking other students taking the exam.  Note takers may be identified and provided by the our office and in some cases a use of a lap top computer during class maximizing the student ability to take his or her own notes may also be found necessary by the Academic Resources office.
  • Preferential Seating is occasionally necessary to accommodate a student with a hearing, visual or distraction challenge.  The student in question is thought to benefit from seating that will maximize their access.
  • Recording of Class Lectures – Massachusetts law requires permission from anyone being recorded. As Note takers are available in most cases and student are present in the course, the need to record the class has not often arisen except in cases where the student due to medical treatment, etc. will be away from the course for a minimal amount of time and even with notes would benefit from hearing the missed class in its entirety to supplement the notes that will be provided.
  • Interpreter Services – This accommodation is provided for students who have limited hearing.
  • Books on Tape – Students with visual or reading disabilities may benefit from recordings of the class readings.  When this accommodation is approved, the Academic Resources office will request copies of the readings and will make recordings available for the student.
  • Copy of Projected Material – Students who are granted this accommodation should receive copies of the materials projected by the faculty member in class.  These can be photocopied and given to the student, or sent to them electronically, whichever is more convenient for the faculty member.